Wse Serial Key Access Denied Warband


Active2 years ago

I am trying to write a program in Python that will loop to keep checking the serial port (COM4) and print out a message when the character '1' is read from the serial port. I want to send '1' over the serial port from an Arduino gadget upon the push of a button.

Download keygen for Mount and Blade Warband Viking Conquest-SKIDROW SKIDROW has released the Strategy game Mount and Blade Warband Viking Conquest for PC. Game is standalone and featuring also the Napoleonic Wars DLC, all of course fully updated to latest build! Patches for Mount & Blade: Warband, Viking Conquest and Napoleonic Wars have just been released. If you have the game and DLCs on Steam or GOG then you should automatically recieve the updates. For those who don't, you can visit our download pages to access the latest versions. WSE Issues; Warband Issues; Performance Hints and Tips; Acknowledgements; I. Warsword Conquest - Winds Of Magic Edition is currently a Beta release and not quite fully-functional, with issues and bugs (both large and small) scattered throughout. It has been released in this playable state, to allow players to test what is currently.

However, I get the error '[Error 5]: Access is Denied' when I try to create an instance of a serial object. (It automatically tries to open upon instantiation, which is where the error is, from what I can see from the file in the PySerial package that handles this.)

My code:

It never gets past the 'c = serial.Serial('COM4', 9600), though. That's where the error pops up. How can I fix this?

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5 Answers

UPDATE: This is apparently no longer possible in PySerial 3.0.

Under Windows, I've always used the port=<int> approach with success.

I.e. change your code to:

David K. HessDavid K. Hess
10.3k1 gold badge35 silver badges55 bronze badges

Cannot Delete Registry Key Access Denied

For me the solution didn't work but what worked was closing all the applications that were interacting with the given com port.

Lucas BLucas B

For Python 2.6 use the zero-based COM port index. For Python 2.7.x you can use the full name 'COM4'. From my experience it's better to use the 2.7 version. Install Python 2.7.x and Setup Tools (aka Easy Install). Once you've got this, install pyserial module by typing easy_install -U pyserial (see pyserial installation doc).

Remember to add python path to PATH environmental variable.

Jakub CzaplickiJakub Czaplicki

Please, take care with the python versions.

From the pyserial manual about: class serial.Serial


The port is immediately opened on object creation, when a port is given. It is not opened when port is None and a successive call to open() is required.

port is a device name: depending on operating system. e.g. /dev/ttyUSB0 on GNU/Linux or COM3 on Windows.

Wse Serial Key Access Denied Warband


Changed in version 3.0: numbers as port argument are no longer supported


that works with PORT COM N-1in python(N is your number of COM)

Andres Zambrano LizarazoAndres Zambrano Lizarazo

protected by CommunityAug 10 '17 at 16:02

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Wse serial key access denied warband 2


My computer seems to be infected. Mcafee is periodically intercepting Trojans being downloaded onto my computer, even when I am not using the internet. Also, a version of MRT.exe keeps popping up in my second hard drive inside a folder with a random hexadecimal name; when I check it under 'properties', it has no Microsoft markings and thus appears to be fake. My internet also running irregularly.

Error Opening Key Access Denied

I've scanned my computer with Mcafee, Malwarebytes, Microsoft Security Emergecy Response Tool, and AVG (all scans were run separately), and none of them have detected any infections.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.